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Tuesday is HONK! Day at SLF

Oct 05 10:10 am

October is, to say the least, a busy month when it comes to festivals.  When we were booking the dates for Harvest Fest, we found a beer festival scheduled almost every weekend in October.  So we picked October 9th.  Then, after we announced it, we found out we programmed the same day as the HONK! Festival.  Whoops!

The Fifth Annual HONK! Festival Saturday, Oct 9, Noon – 9 pm Davis Square.

We reached out to Redbones Owner Rob Gregory (one of HONK!s founders) and the HONK! Organizers.  After speaking with them about the conflict, we investigated a date change (Oct 23rd was booked at the Armory and there was a competing festival every other weekend in October…except for the last one…but we didn’t want to do Halloween).  When that didn’t work, we  discussed how we could minimize the impact with HONK! Organizers.  We made sure to not impinge on their resources and promised to also inform folks about HONK!

So today, on the Tuesday before our biggest and most important event of the year, we’re only going to be talking about the HONK! festival, why its awesome and why you should go and support it.

Also….we’ll probably announce the date of Harvest Fest 2011 sooner next year :)

Filed under: Harvest Fest


  1. All of us here at HONK central very much appreciate your efforts to help get the word out about HONK! Good luck on your own event, and sorry they had to be on the same day!

    Comment by Ken — October 5, 2010 @3:13 pm

  2. The Honk festival is the same weekend every year.

    Comment by daniel — October 6, 2010 @10:47 am

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